Event: Lynching Statue Unveiling – Pendleton Library

The statue remembering the five documented victims of terror lynching in Anderson County will be unveiled on February 28, 2023 (6pm) at the Pendleton Library. The event is called “The Strange Fruit of Lynching” and is sponsored by First Baptist Church of Pendleton, The Pendleton Bookshop, and the Anderson Area Remembrance and Reconciliation Initiative (AAR&RI). […]
Event: Unveiling The Past – Anderson County Museum

The Earth Remembers is a special exhibit which documents five individuals identified as victims of lynching in Anderson County. In cooperation with the Anderson Area Remembrance and Reconciliation Initiative, five soil jars represent each person and each place in an effort to foster conversation and promote collective healing. Continue the dialog with community leaders – […]
2023 Black History Lecture Series

2023 Black History Lecture SeriesWelfare Baptist Church Wednesday, February 1st at 6 pm: Aby Sene-Harprer, PhD, Professor, Parks and Conservation Area Management, Clemson University Wednesday, February 8th at 6 pm: Kamau Sadiki, National Association of Black Scuba Divers, (Featured on the Netflix Documentary “Descendant” Monday, February 13th at 6 pm: C.A.R.E Talk (Connect, Address, Respond, and […]
Visit the Sculpture

The sculpture currently resides at the Thrift Library on Anderson University’s campus and is open to the public. Artist Herman Keith Jr, was commissioned by Anderson Area Remembrance and Reconciliation Initiative to create a statue commemorating five victims from Anderson County of racial lynching. This statue was originally unveiled on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at […]
Event: Statue Unveiling at Welfare Baptist Church – November 9, 2022

Video courtesy of Anderson County YouTube Channel Artist Herman Keith Jr, was commissioned by Anderson Area Remembrance and Reconciliation Initiative to create a statue commemorating five victims from Anderson County of racial lynching. This statue was unveiled on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at Welfare Baptist Church in Belton, SC. Artists Tim McElveen who worked with […]